Make cybersecurity accessible to all organizations

The number of connected people on Earth is constantly growing. More than half the world’s population uses social media, and 3.5 million emails are sent every second. The number of cell phones has overtaken the number of computers. AIs have reached a level of performance capable of bringing about profound changes in healthcare, education and even a whole new way of thinking about work. For 400,000 years, technologies have come with their share of positive and negative impacts. Today, the productivity generated by technology is accompanied by over-connection and overwork, deprivation of free will, data theft and misuse.
Mailinblack has built up solid expertise in cybersecurity over the past 20 years. We are faced with a constant evolution and sophistication of cyber attacks. In particular, we see that hospitals, local authorities and SMEs, which make up 90% of our economy, are the hardest hit.
In 2022, we are proud to be able to say that we blocked 102.5M cyberattacks targeting these organizations. Proud, too, to be fighting every day to extend high-quality cybersecurity to as many people as possible, so that everyone can concentrate on their work.
Becoming the digital bodyguard for as many people as possible
Protecting our economy, our health, our public services
By stopping more than 143 million cyberattacks in 2023, targeting hospitals, industries and French cities, and saving 53 tonnes of CO2 emissions.
Protecting our teams and supporting their development
Promoting a safe working environment: respect for the pro-personal life team, diversity and respect, code of ethics, skills development…
Protecting our local communities
By educating and supporting the next generation in their awareness of digital and cybersecurity issues
Democratize access to cyberspace and enable everyone to live a serene and free digital life
Our human resources policy puts employees first. We are committed to promoting equality between men and women in all aspects of our organization. We actively combat all forms of discrimination, whether based on gender, race, religion, age or any other protected characteristic. We are committed to equity and diversity, recognizing and valuing individual differences. Parity for equal positions and equal responsibilities is a subject supported by the entire management team. Our individual pay rises are naturally parity-based, thanks to the large number of women in our workforce. Returning from maternity or paternity leave is supported by a flexible, employee-focused approach.
Since April1, 2024, we have been offering supra-legal leave on return from maternity and paternity leave, offering all our employees 80% paid leave at 100% for a period of 3 months. As our CODIR is predominantly female, women have a rightful place in Mailinblack’s top remuneration packages.
For all these reasons, we are proud to present an Egapro score of 94% for the year 2023, published in 2024.

Our commitment is to protect our SMEs, public authorities and healthcare establishments. Protection, particularly of users, is at the heart of our product design. In 2023, we stopped more than 143 million cyberattacks (source: Mailinblack cyber barometer) in France.
Our commitment also lies in designing solutions that integrate environmental responsibility. In this respect, being carbon neutral is one of our ambitions. And, on our own scale, we can say that we have a positive impact on the environment – Mailinback, for example, saved 53 tonnes of CO² emissions in 2023, equivalent to 115,942 liters of bottled water (source: Mailinblack cyber barometer).

Our main commitment is to protect our teams and support their development by promoting and cultivating a safe working environment. A sense of security and dignity is the bedrock of our culture. This foundation is illustrated by full respect for diversity, the explicit exclusion of sexism and racism, respect for dignity, both through merit and shared values, and the right to disconnect. This foundation enables everyone to make full use of their intelligence, curiosity, creativity and potential. The fundamental role of managers is to guarantee this foundation, all the way up to the CEO, and to provide quality coaching to each individual to support them in their performance and in the development of new skills.
- 1st cyber company in the South of France to be certified Great Place to Work : 91% of our employees think that Mailinblack is a great place to work.
- Also Best Workplace for Women
- Management committee with a majority of women and parity in management teams
- Signature of the Bye Bye Sexism charter, calling for “Zero tolerance”.

Our commitment is to improve protection by raising awareness of tech and cyber risks, and this also involves educating young people.
It is therefore particularly important to us to promote employment in our region, the South East of France, by raising awareness of tech and cyber professions from an early age. We are therefore committed to speaking at schools, in order to highlight careers related to cybersecurity. We regularly speak at La Plateforme, Kedge Business School and EMD Ecole de Management. And we run workshops to raise awareness of tech among young girls/teenagers/women (Womentoring). And we co-organize events in the region (Girls Tech Day).

Ensuring respect and integrity in every interaction
Our ethical commitment
Mailinblack is committed to a code of ethics that guarantees responsible and transparent practices. This code guides our actions and ensures that all our interactions, both internal and external, meet the highest ethical standards.
Together, we are building an environment of trust and respect.

Catherine Vaudaine, HR Director

Séverine Detcherry, CFO

Thomas Kerjean, CEO

Cassie Leroux, CPO

Laura Maret, Sales and Marketing Operations Manager

Laura Corredera, Customer Relations Manager

Antony Spera, Technical Manager

Charles Balle, Development Director